Prof. Dr. Boris Koldehofe and Team

Category: Events

Workshop on Sustainability in Distributed and Networked Systems

The CogniGron Research Center and the Distributed Systems Research Groups of TU Ilmenau and University of Groningen have organized a workshop to discuss research findings, initiatives, and challenges for Sustainability in Distributed and Networked Systems.

Researchers from the University of Groningen, TU Ilmenau, and TU Darmstadt met to exchange on initiatives like the CogniGron research center, the Ilmenau School of Green electronics, the collaborative research center MAKI, and a new project on green business process management. Furthermore, the workshop enabled in the form of excellent presentations of young researchers to exchange research findings towards sustainability in distributed and networked systems by taking the hardware and software perspectives. A particular highlight of the workshop was the dissertation talk of Saad Saleh on „Methods and Design for Analog Computing Architectures Memristors for Enhancing Expressiveness and Energy-Efficiency of Packet Processors. “ Saad Saleh successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis on Jan 7.

Workshop Program:

09:00 Welcome and Overview  

09:10 Introduction of Research Teams of Darmstadt, Ilmenau and Groningen

Prof. Ralf Steinmetz: Future Internet Research at the Collaborative Research Center MAKI

Prof. Beatriz Noheda (UG): The CogniGron Research Center at the University of Groningen

Prof. Alexander  Lazovik: Research overview at Groningen, Distributed Systems  

Prof. Boris Koldehofe: Research overview at Ilmenau 

10:30–10:50 Coffee/tea break  

10:50–12:15 Network and Hardware centric perspective  

Dr. Peter Amthor (TU Ilmenau): The Ilmenau School of Green Electronics

Wenfei Huang (TU Ilmenau): Optical In-Network Computing

Bochra Boughzala (UG): In-Network Distributed Computing 

12:15–13:15 Lunch break 

13:15–14:00 CogniGron Dissertation Talk Saad Saleh (45 minutes)  

Methods and Design for Analog Computing Architectures Memristors for Enhancing Expressiveness and Energy-Efficiency of Packet Processors

14:00 – 15:15 RUG DS & IS: Data Management Perspective 

Mahmoud Alasmar: Improving Resource Utilization in DNN Training Jobs on GPU Cluster

Michel Medema: Environmental Sustainability in Business Process Management

15:15–15:45 Coffee/tea break  

15:45–16:35 DSOS II: Service Level Perspective on Energy-Efficient Computing 

Mehran Salmani: Efficient Inference Serving at scale

Ahmad Baghdadi: Reliable and efficient message-oriented-middleware.

16:35–17:00 Wrap up 

Energy Efficient Cognitive Computing: Brainspiration 2022, Netherlands

Saad Saleh presented his research on Memristor-based Cognitive and Energy Efficient In-network computing at the Brainspiration 2022 conference, University of Twente, Netherlands. The conference focused on brain-inspired concepts and materials for information processing.

The motivation for brain-inspired computing emerges from the current generation of computers which huge amounts of energy resources and lack cognitive functionality which is critical for many applications like self-driving cars. In this regard, the CogniGron research center at the University of Groningen has developed materials, called memristors, which consume less energy resources and provide cognitive functionality similar to the human brain. Saad presented the use of these cognitive materials for the Internet components and showed various design models and techniques for incorporating cognitive functionality inside the Internet. Preliminary results have shown promising power consumption statistics of these materials for Internet components requiring little (16 uW during operational mode) to no energy consumption (during standby mode).

The speakers and attendees at the conference included renowned scientists and researchers from academia and industry including Beatriz Noheda (CogniGron), Julie Grollier (Thales), John Paul Strachan (Forschungszentrum Jülich), Abu-Sebastian (IBM), Andrea Liu (UPenn), Wilfred Gerard (UT), Wolfram Pernice (Heidelberg University), and researchers from HP labs (USA), Sandia National Labs (USA), AMOLF (NL).

This research is in collaboration with Anouk Goossens and Tamalika Banerjee from Zernike Institute of Advanced Materials, University of Groningen. For more information about this research, contact Saad Saleh or Boris Koldehofe (Adviser).

EuroSys 2023 Shadow PC

Young system researchers, e.g., Ph.D. students and PostDocs, can now apply for the EuroSys 2023 Shadow PC until October 12th.

A Shadow PC is meant to allow young researchers to obtain insight into the review process of major conferences. Typically, the review process of a big conference like EuroSys is rather intransperrant to young researchers. Therefore, it isn’t easy to understand what requires excellent research work to be accepted.

In a shadow PC (shadowing the programm commitee), young researchers actively review the research papers submitted to the conference. In EuroSys, papers submitted to the conference will also be assigned to members of the shadow PC for review with the permission of the authors. In addition, the shadow PC will determine and discuss its own ranking of submitted papers. Although the outcome will and must not impact the decision of the conference program committee, the discussion allows the researchers to obtain in-depth experience in the review process. Moreover, the reviews will also provide, in many cases, additional helpful
feedback to the authors.

Interested in joining? Please, check out the Call for Participitation of EuroSys 2023!

Conference Visits at DEBS and SIGCOMM

After a long time of virtual conference events, our distributed systems research team had finally the opportunity to participate in physical meetings.

Two highlight this summer where our team attended and contributed were

  1. The conference 16th ACM Conference on Distributed and Event-based Systems (DEBS) in Copenhagen
  2. ACM SIGCOMM, the flagship annual conference of the ACM Special Interest Group on Data Communication (SIGCOMM), this year located in Amsterdam.

Three contributions at the ACM DEBS conference

At DEBS our team was present with three contributions on improving the performance of stream and event processing systems.

Travel Light – State Shedding for Efficient Operator Migration” is a cooperation with the University of Oslo, with Espen Volnes , Thomas Plagemann and Vera Goebel. (University of Oslo). The paper looks into the combination of state shedding in combination with operator migration to improve the utility of detected events.    
The work of “Window-based Parallel Operator Execution with In-Network Computing” was presented by Bochra Boughzala.  It proposes a novel P4-based in-network computing model that can enhance the parallelization degree of event processing systems by utilizing the capability of programable network switches.    
In the Poster and Demo track Pratyush Agnihotri presented with “PANDA: Performance Prediction for Parallel and Dynamic Stream Processing” his idea on better performance modelling over heterogenous compute resources by building on zero-shot learning models.