Congratulations to Manisha Luthra! Manisha was awarded with a dissertation award for her PhD thesis “Network-centric Complex Event Processing” by the German Special Interest group on Communications and Distributed Systems (KuVs) of “Gesellschaft für Informatik” (GI).

Manisha Luthra was co-advised by Ralf Steinmetz und Boris Koldehofe in the context of the DFG Collaborative Research Center MAKI. Manisha is now Postdoctoral researcher at the Systems Group of TU Darmstadt. Furthermore, she started recently a new position as senior researcher at the SAIDE Lab of German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) led by Carsten Binnig.
More information and links:
- Manisha Luthra : Network-centric Complex Event Processing. Technische Universität Darmstadt, DOI:10.26083/tuprints-00019285.
- Website der Fachgruppe KuVS (German):
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