Prof. Dr. Boris Koldehofe and Team

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Workshop on Sustainability in Distributed and Networked Systems

The CogniGron Research Center and the Distributed Systems Research Groups of TU Ilmenau and University of Groningen have organized a workshop to discuss research findings, initiatives, and challenges for Sustainability in Distributed and Networked Systems.

Researchers from the University of Groningen, TU Ilmenau, and TU Darmstadt met to exchange on initiatives like the CogniGron research center, the Ilmenau School of Green electronics, the collaborative research center MAKI, and a new project on green business process management. Furthermore, the workshop enabled in the form of excellent presentations of young researchers to exchange research findings towards sustainability in distributed and networked systems by taking the hardware and software perspectives. A particular highlight of the workshop was the dissertation talk of Saad Saleh on „Methods and Design for Analog Computing Architectures Memristors for Enhancing Expressiveness and Energy-Efficiency of Packet Processors. “ Saad Saleh successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis on Jan 7.

Workshop Program:

09:00 Welcome and Overview  

09:10 Introduction of Research Teams of Darmstadt, Ilmenau and Groningen

Prof. Ralf Steinmetz: Future Internet Research at the Collaborative Research Center MAKI

Prof. Beatriz Noheda (UG): The CogniGron Research Center at the University of Groningen

Prof. Alexander  Lazovik: Research overview at Groningen, Distributed Systems  

Prof. Boris Koldehofe: Research overview at Ilmenau 

10:30–10:50 Coffee/tea break  

10:50–12:15 Network and Hardware centric perspective  

Dr. Peter Amthor (TU Ilmenau): The Ilmenau School of Green Electronics

Wenfei Huang (TU Ilmenau): Optical In-Network Computing

Bochra Boughzala (UG): In-Network Distributed Computing 

12:15–13:15 Lunch break 

13:15–14:00 CogniGron Dissertation Talk Saad Saleh (45 minutes)  

Methods and Design for Analog Computing Architectures Memristors for Enhancing Expressiveness and Energy-Efficiency of Packet Processors

14:00 – 15:15 RUG DS & IS: Data Management Perspective 

Mahmoud Alasmar: Improving Resource Utilization in DNN Training Jobs on GPU Cluster

Michel Medema: Environmental Sustainability in Business Process Management

15:15–15:45 Coffee/tea break  

15:45–16:35 DSOS II: Service Level Perspective on Energy-Efficient Computing 

Mehran Salmani: Efficient Inference Serving at scale

Ahmad Baghdadi: Reliable and efficient message-oriented-middleware.

16:35–17:00 Wrap up 

DEBS 2024 Conference

Last week I visited the 18th Conference on Distributed and Event Based Systems (DEBS) in Lyon. Our research team has been very active in the topics of DEBS for many years as well as contributed to the organization of many instances of DEBS in the past.

Overall, this years edition showed that there is still a very active community. I enjoyed very good talks and papers on topics covering a wide range of topics related to distributed data and event processing, such as fundamentals, systems aspects, and programming paradigms. The research program, keynotes and tutorials presented covered deep insights into recent developments of data stream processing systems and data processing applications such as IoT and the DEBS Grand Challenge competition. 

Congratulations to the winners of the DEBS 10 Years Test of Time Award to Thomas Heinze, Zbigniew Jerzak, Gregor Hackenbroich, and Christof Fetzer for their work on “Latency-aware elastic scaling for distributed data stream processing systems.”

Thanks a lot, to the organizing team around Riccardo Tommasini, Angela Bonifati, Tillmann Rabl and Avrilia Floratou.  Looking forward to another edition organized by Vincenzo Gulisano and Marina Papatriantafilou in Gothenburg, Sweden in June 10-13, 2025. 

Finally, I would like to share some recent works of our team covering serveal interesting research directions in the context of DEBS.

  1. Bochra Boughzhala and Boris Koldehofe. In-Network Management of Parallel Data Streams over Programmable Data Planes. In Proceedings of the 2024 IFIP Networking Conference, 9 pages, 2024. IFIP.
  2. Pratyush Agnihotri, Boris Koldehofe, Paul Stiegele, Roman Heinrich, Carsten Binnig, Manisha Luthra. ZeroTune: Learned Zero-Shot Cost Model for Parallelism Tuning in Stream Processing. In Proceedings of the IEEE 40th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2024), IEEE, 2024.
  3. Majid Lotfian Delouee, Victoria Degeler, Peter Amthor, and Boris Koldehofe. APP-CEP: Adaptive Pattern-level Privacy Protection in Complex Event Processing Systems. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP’24), 12 pages, SCITEPRESS.

HotNets presentation: Towards analog Networking with PCAM

Yesterday (Nov 29), I had the pleasure to present at the ACM Workshop on hot topics in networking (HotNets) how analog components, in particular memristors, can improve energie efficiency and expressiveness of current packet processing architectures. We propose a new programming abstraction named PCAM which accounts in contrast to TCAM memory for the analog nature memristive components.   The work has been conducted in the context of the CogniGron research center. More details, on the paper “The Future is Analog: Energy-Efficient Cognitive Network Functions over Memristor-Based Analog Computations” you can find in the ACM digital library. Special congratulations to Saad Saleh for doing a great job in developing and evaluating PCAM! Finally, thanks to the HotNets organizers for a great event with many exciting propositions for future networking research.

Inaugural Lecture on In-Network Computing by Boris Koldehofe at TU Ilmenau

After being officially welcomed at TU Ilmenau, Boris Koldehofe gave his inaugural lecture at TU Ilmenau on Nov 1st 2023. In his talk named “Accelerating the performance of data driven applications with in-network computing” he discussed how advances in programmable networks can aid to accelerate data-intensive applications in form of in-network computing. Besides discussing technical solutions and research challenges he highlighted also recent research towards energy-efficient in-network computing architectures.

More information:

Boris Koldehofe joins TU Ilmenau

On February 1st, Boris Koldehofe was appointed by the president of TU Ilmenau, Prof. Dr. Kai Uwe Sattler, as Professor of the university. He will be heading the Distributed Systems and Operating Group at the Faculty of Computer Science and the Institute of Applied Computer Science. Boris Koldehofe will continue to collaborate with the University of Groningen and remains a TU Darmstadt fellow as part of the CRC MAKI.