Distributed and Operating Systems

Prof. Dr. Boris Koldehofe and Team

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Conference Visits at DEBS and SIGCOMM

After a long time of virtual conference events, our distributed systems research team had finally the opportunity to participate in physical meetings.

Two highlight this summer where our team attended and contributed were

  1. The conference 16th ACM Conference on Distributed and Event-based Systems (DEBS) in Copenhagen
  2. ACM SIGCOMM, the flagship annual conference of the ACM Special Interest Group on Data Communication (SIGCOMM), this year located in Amsterdam.

Three contributions at the ACM DEBS conference

At DEBS our team was present with three contributions on improving the performance of stream and event processing systems.

Travel Light – State Shedding for Efficient Operator Migration” is a cooperation with the University of Oslo, with Espen Volnes , Thomas Plagemann and Vera Goebel. (University of Oslo). The paper looks into the combination of state shedding in combination with operator migration to improve the utility of detected events.    
The work of “Window-based Parallel Operator Execution with In-Network Computing” was presented by Bochra Boughzala.  It proposes a novel P4-based in-network computing model that can enhance the parallelization degree of event processing systems by utilizing the capability of programable network switches.    
In the Poster and Demo track Pratyush Agnihotri presented with “PANDA: Performance Prediction for Parallel and Dynamic Stream Processing” his idea on better performance modelling over heterogenous compute resources by building on zero-shot learning models.

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